Saturday, July 6, 2013

Too Busy??

 I decided to start a blog to help get some things off of my chest-my way to unload some frustrations about the grooming business and maintain my sanity. Before I get started-I just want to clarify that I do love my new found job. It has given me the freedom to be my own boss and do something that I enjoy and am good at. Writing this is therapeutic for my mind and a way to share this new journey.  I recently just started my own dog grooming business and now work full time out of my home.I specialize in grooming small to medium breeds. When I started this little business-it was supposed to be just a part time job that I did 3 or 4 days a week. It has now grown into a 6 or 7 day a week nightmare at times. I never expected to get so busy so quickly. I just figured that I would have some busy periods and then slow weeks as well. That hasn't happened in months-which is a good thing. I am never bored or have the same day twice-dogs and clients change constantly. I have met many wonderful owners and their furry friends-most of which have become loyal customers that return every few weeks.

But despite my new found success, I still am really missing my ME time-it pretty much has become nonexistent these days. I am constantly fighting exhaustion and tendonitis has flared up in both my wrists and thumbs from working so many long hours. The phone never quits ringing-most with people trying frantically to get their dogs in IMMEDIATELY(that has become a source of my frustration lately). Getting in quickly is now a thing of the past-I am consistently booked up now for 2-3 weeks in advance. I get to hear every excuse in the book about why they didn't call sooner, but it doesn't change the fact that they still will have to wait for an appt like everyone else. Some will go ahead and book an appt, while others tell me that they will have to call around and see if they can get in sooner somewhere else. Since I work by myself, I don't have the luxury of booking 15 or more dogs a day like some of my competitors with multiple groomers working for them. I take only 3 or 4 per day-which is a full day for me I might add. I always allow myself 2 hours per dog-scheduling each one at different time slots throughout the day. I never have all of my pooches here at once so I don't have to have them sitting in kennels all day long in my home. Most are only here for the couple of hours that it takes me to groom them, and then they are picked up and go home. It is much easier that way-plus it keeps my working environment quiet for me and for the dogs. Much less stress in the long run.

I rotate canines and people in and out of here throughout the day. In between all of this-my husband rotates our own three dogs outside and then back upstairs to their crates for lunch. We keep them away from all of my grooming dogs and new people coming into our home-they get way to excited to be running around among the chaos. So my life has become hectic and looks like it is going to stay that way. Taking vacations and planning time with my two teenage boys has been difficult now as well. The clients keep calling and want in ASAP. I try to accommodate them as best I can, but it has become increasingly more difficult to do that. I started a cancellation list and call clients when a spot does open up, but that hasn't happened a lot lately. I am trying to find ways to relax, but the phone keeps me hopping whenever I try resting at home. Some days it almost feels like harassment-especially when some people continue to call late into the evening. Last year I actually had people calling me on Christmas day hoping to get their relatives dogs in for grooming. They couldn't seem to understand why one earth I wasn't working Christmas day when Walmart was open part of the day. I told them that's a big reason why I no longer work for Walmart-I prefer being able to spend the day relaxing with my family. No dirty dog is worth me giving up one of the biggest  most festive days of the year! I am hoping to find a happy medium eventually.

If I want to keep my sanity, I am going to have at least a couple of days off in a row once in awhile. I want to work to live-not live to work. I have been grooming off and on since 1997 and know that this business can be very exhausting hard work! Being busy is great-but I don't want to burn out in the process of doing it either. I want to remind everyone that calls, you are not the only person with dogs I deal with(even though a lot of them act like they are the only ones that should matter)and to be patient. Waiting a few days won't kill them or their dog-especially if they have already let them go without grooming for months before calling me to begin with. A dog that is a shaggy mess didn't get that way overnight-a grooming appt should have been made weeks before they became covered in mud, poop, weeds, and matted to the skin. I can't feel sorry for the owners when they can't get in sooner, but I do feel for the poor dog living in that condition. Call in advance and then get your puppy on a set schedule so you can get the spot that you want.

I am done venting for now I guess-the bottom line is: being a groomer is challenging. I think sometimes the dogs are easier to deal with then the owners! Despite it all...I still feel very lucky to be working in my own home and being able to be my own boss. I am very blessed!  :)

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