Friday, July 19, 2013

I Guess Dogs aren't for everyone!

I just got off the phone with a pretty distraught lady. She called wanting to get her boyfriends dog into today for a grooming. Of course I am booked out three weeks right now-so that isn't possible. She went into telling me the whole story about how they had been together for three years and the only problem in their relationship was his lab mix dog. Apparently she isn't a dog lover and this dog has been making her life miserable. She doesn't like the shedding or the constant smell that this dog is spreading around her house. I gave her some grooming advice about how she could help with the smell in between grooming and also recommended that maybe she may want to go to the vet and have the ears and anal glands checked. She wanted to know if I knew of any other groomers in town that may be able to get this dog in sooner. But since I am not privileged to all of my competitors grooming schedules, I was only guessing at how busy all of them might be right now.

I guess I can be somewhat sympathetic to her plight-I myself have three dogs in my house and know how much work they are. I am used to the dog hair stuck to my couch, buying Swiffers and lint rollers,constantly sweeping the floors, vacuuming, washing smelly bedding, and the monthly grooming I give to each of my dogs. I mange to keep our home looking and smelling ok, despite our doggy household. If you could look past the raw hides, squeak toys, and all the dog beds placed strategically around our living room, you may never know that I live with so many canines.

This poor lady doesn't want to have this type of commitment in her home and told me she has never been much of an animal lover. I can't imagine my life without a couple of dogs draped over my lap every night while I am watching tv or reading. They make our house the happy place that it is. I feel for anyone not touched by doggie love-it is the most pure and honest love out there. Dogs never judge us or care about our flaws-they just love and want to be with us no matter what. I feel truly blessed to have my furbabies!


  1. Hi Kris,
    I like your blog!
    I have always told all of my kids, when you get a boyfriend or girlfriend, if they don't like your dog(s), dump them right away! lol
    Lisa, MFF

  2. It can be hard to have any relationship with anyone who hates animals. I am glad that my husband loves our canine family as much as I do-they make our house feel like a home!
